Shirodhara: Continuous and steady pouring of warm medicated oil, herbal decoction or other medicated liquids onto the forehead. This therapy induces a relaxed state of awareness resulting in dynamic, psychosomatic balance. It is effective in anxiety disorders, insomnia, and neurological conditions, headache, hypertensions, scalp psoriasis and psychological conditions.
TAKRA DHARA: Shirodhara procedure done with butter milk processed with medicated decoctions.
Shirodhara: Continuous and steady pouring of warm medicated oil, herbal decoction or other medicated liquids onto the forehead. This therapy induces a relaxed state of awareness resulting in dynamic, psychosomatic balance. It is effective in anxiety disorders, insomnia, and neurological conditions, headache, hypertensions, scalp psoriasis and psychological conditions.
TAKRA DHARA: Shirodhara procedure done with butter milk processed with medicated decoctions.